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[ 223 ] Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court. Maariv. September 2.

[ 224 ] Fulbright, Sen. William. (1973). Face the Nation. CBS: New York. April 15.

[ 225 ] Buckley, William F. (1970). McCarthy and His Enemies; The Record and Its Meaning. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House.

[ 226 ] Wall Street Journal. (1978).

[ 227 ] American Jews and Jimmy Carter. March 2. p. 18.

[ 228 ] Getler, Michael. (1974). Pentagon Chief Suggests Israel Lobby Has Too Much Influence. Los Angeles Times. San Francisco Chronicle. (1968). November 23. p.9.

[ 229 ] Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court. Maariv.

[ 230 ] Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court. Maariv.

[ 231 ] Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court. Maariv.

[ 232 ] Jonathan Broder. (1997). Salon. February 17.

[ 233 ] The New York Times News Service. (1997). Albright Upbraids Stubborn Balkan Leaders: Refugees.... June 1.

[ 234 ] The Spotlight The leading anti-Zionist newspaper in the United States. Published by Liberty Lobby 300 Independence Ave. SE Washington, D.C. 20003

[ 235 ] Jewish Week. (1997). March 3.

[ 236 ] Jewish Week. (1997). January 24

[ 237 ] New York Times. (1997). October 4.

[ 238 ] The Times-Picayune. (1998). Swiss banks. Holocaust survivors settle war claims. August 13. p. A-13.

[ 239 ] Findley, Paul. (1989). They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby. Chicago, Illinois: Lawrence Hill Books.

[ 240 ] Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court. Maariv.

[ 241 ] Network (1976). Director: Sidney Lumet. Producer: Howard Gottfried. Screenwriter: Paddy Chayevsky. Editor: Alan Heim. United Artists-MGM

[ 242 ] Komberg, R. (1993). Theodore Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, inner quote from Herzl diary, 161.

[ 243 ] Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. (1993-1995). “Anti-Semitism.” Microsoft Corporation. Funk & Wagnalls Corporation.

[ 244 ] Grolier's Encyclopedia. Anti-Semitism.

[ 245 ] Heschel, Susannah. (1993). Anti-Semites Against Anti-Semitism. Tikkun, November/December, p.52.

[ 246 ] Todd Endelman, (1979). The Jews of Georgian England, 1714-1830. Philadelphia, p.95.

[ 247 ] Wisse, Ruth. (1991). The Twentieth Century's Most Successful Ideology. Commentary. Vol. 91, #2. February, p.33.

[ 248 ] Jerusalem Post. (1990). Editorial). September 15. p.24.

[ 249 ] Hertzberg, A. (1993). Is Anti-Semitism Dying Out? New York Review of Books, XL(12),p.51-57.

[ 250 ] Lewis, N. and Reinhold, M. (1955). Roman Civilization: Sourcebook 11: The Empire. Harper Torchbooks: New York.

[ 251 ] Bishop. John. (1964). Nero: the Man and the Legend. Roben Hale Limited: London. The Times-Picayune. (1998).

[ 252 ] The Times-Picayune. (1998). Study Affirms Genetic Link in Jewish Priestly Class. July 9. p. All

[ 253 ] Twain, M. (1899). Concerning the Jews. Harper's Monthly Magazine. September.

[ 254 ] Rose, P. L. (1990). Revolutionary Antisemitism in Germany, from Kant to Wagner. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p.7.

[ 255 ] KJV. Deut. 23:20.

[ 256 ] KJV. Deut. 23:21.

[ 257 ] The Code of Maimonides, ed. L. Nemoy. (1965). Yale Judaica Series. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

[ 258 ] Roth, C. (1978). A History of the Jews in England, 3rd edition. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.

[ 259 ] Chazan, R. (1973). Medieval Jewry in Northern France: A Political and Social History. Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins University Press.

[ 260 ] Weinryb, B. D. (1972). The Jews of Poland: A Social and Economic History of the Jewish Community in Poland from 1100 to 1800. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America.

[ 261 ] Neuman, A. A. (1969). The Jews in Spain: Their Political and Cultural Fife During the Middle Ages, Vols. I & II. New York: Octagon Books. (Originally published in 1942.)

[ 262 ] Baldwin, J. W. (1986). The Government of Philip Augustus: Foundations of French Royal Power in the Middle Ages. Berkeley: University of California Press.

[ 263 ] Rabinowitz, L. (1938). The Social Life of the Jews of Northern France in the XII-XIV Centuries as Reflected in the Rabbinical Literature of the Period. London: Edward Goldston Ltd.

[ 264 ] Luchaire, A. (1912). Social France at the Time of Philip Augustus. New York: Frederick Ungar.

[ 265 ] Encyclopedia Britannica (1952).Vol. 13. Jews. p.57.

[ 266 ] Davidson, N. (1987). The Inquisition and the Italian Jews. Inquisition and Society in Early Modem Europe. Totowa, New Jersey: Bames & Noble.

[ 267 ] Haliczer, S. (1987). Inquisition and Society in Early Modern Europe Trans. S. Haliczer. Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble.

[ 268 ] Pullan, B. (1983). The Jews of Europe and the Inquisition of Venice. 1550-1670. London: Basil Blackwell. p. 159.

[ 269 ] Kornberg, R. (1993). Theodore Herd: From Assimilation to Zionism. Inner quote from Herzl diary. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, p. 183.

[ 270 ] Komberg, R. (1993). Theodore Herd: From Assimilation to Zionism, p. 161-162.

[ 271 ] Komberg, R. (1993). Theodore Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism, p.183.

[ 272 ] Aquinas, Thomas. On the Governance of the Jews.

[ 273 ] Pinkelstein, L. (1924). Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, p.280.

[ 274 ] Katz, J. (1961). Tradition and Crisis: Jewish Society at the End of the Middle Ages. New York. The Free Press of Glencoe. p.24.

[ 275 ] KJV. Lev. 25:14.

[ 276 ] The Code of Maimonides. (1965). ed. L. Nemoy. Yale Judaica Series. New Haver Connecticut: Yale University Press. Ch. XII: 1. p.47.

[ 277 ] Katz. J. (1961). Tradition and Crisis: Jewish Society in the End at the Middle Ages. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe. p.61.

[ 278 ] Roth, C. (1974). A History of the Marriinos. 4th ed. New York: Schocken Books.

[ 279 ] Random House Unabridged Webster's Klectronic Dictionary. Marrano.

[ 280 ] Shaw. S. J. (1991). Thief Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. New York: New York I. University Press.

[ 281 ] Hundert, G.D. (1992). The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatow in the Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

[ 282 ] Hunden.G.D.(1992). p.54.

[ 283 ] Hundert, G. D. (1992). p.57.

[ 284 ] Liebman, A. (1979). Jews and the Left. New York: John Wiley & Sons p 267- 268.

[ 285 ] Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1947). Vol. 2. p.76.

[ 286 ] Mosse, W. E. (1987). Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite 1820-1935. Oxford. U.K.: The Clarendon Press.

[ 287 ] Gordon, S. (1984). Hitler, Germans, and the “Jewish Question”. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

[ 288 ] Birmingham, Stephen (1967). Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York. New York: Harper & Row.

[ 289 ] Ehrlich, J. and Rehfeld B. (1989). New Crowd: Changing of the Jewish Guard on Wall Street. Boston: Little, Brown & Company.

[ 290 ] Schwartz, M. (1987). Irangate and Boesky Affair Worrisome to Jews. Palm Beach Jewish World. January 30.

[ 291 ] Newsweek. (1971). November 17.

[ 292 ] Anderson, J. ( 1971). Israel is Crook's Promised land. Washington Post. December 19.

[ 293 ] Messick, H. (1971). Lansky. New York: Putnam. p.276-277.

[ 294 ] Bugsy. (1991). Director: Levinson, B. Screenwriter: Toback.J. Tristar.

[ 295 ] Messick, H. (1971). Lansky. New York: Putnam. p.8-10.

[ 296 ] Brokhin, Y. (1975). Hustling on Gorky Street. Dial Press.

[ 297 ] Simis, K. (1982). USSR: The Corrupt Society. Simon and Schuster. Priedman, R.R. (1998). The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World. Village Voice May 26.

[ 298 ] Fliedman, R.R. (1998). The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World. Village Voice May 26.

[ 299 ] Ibid, p. 312.

[ 300 ] Luther, M. (1974). Quoted by Leon Poliakov. The History of Anti-Semitism. New York. p.233, note 10.

[ 301 ] RSV. Lev. 25:44.

[ 302 ] Marcus, J. (1952). Jews. Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 13. p.57.

[ 303 ] Grayzel, S. (1948). A History of the Jew: From Babylonian Exile to the End of World War II. Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America.

[ 304 ] White. W. (1966). Who Brought the Slaves to America. While Publishing.

[ 305 ] Barnes Review. (1997). Who Really Engaged in the African Slave Trade: Sept. 92.

[ 306 ] Raphael. Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United Slates; A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House. Inc. Vol. 14. Raphael is the editor of American Jewish History, the journal of the American Jewish Historical Society at Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

[ 307 ] Platt, Virginia B. (1975). And Don't Forget the Guinea Voyage: The Slave Trade of Aaron Lopez of Newport. William and Mary Quarterly. Vol. 32, # 4.

[ 308 ] Marcus, J. (1970). The Colonial American Jew: 1492-1776. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press.

[ 309 ] Marcus, J. (1974). The Jew and the American Revolution. Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives. 3/3

[ 310 ] Liebman S. B. (1982). New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem/or the Forgotten. KTAV, New York, p.170, 183. [Liebman is an attorney; LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1929; M.A. (Latin American history), Mexico City College, 1963; Florida chapter American Jewish Historical Society, 1956-58; Friends of Hebrew University, 1958-59; American Historical Society Contributor to scholarly journals on Jewish history.

[ 311 ] Wiznitzer, A. (1960). Jews in Colonial Brazil .p. 72-3 [Note: Wiznitzer, Arnold Aharon, educator; Born in Austria, December 20, 1899; Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920; Doctor of Hebrew Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Emeritus research professor. University of Judaism, Los Angeles; Contributor to historical journals in the United States and Brazil including the Journal of Jewish Social Studies and the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Former president, Brazilian-Jewish Institute of Historical Research.]

[ 312 ] Marcus, J. (1989 United States Jewry). 1776-1985. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, p.586.

[ 313 ] The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. (1991). Prepared by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. Chicago, Illinois: Latimer Associates.

[ 314 ] Spielberg, S. (1997). Amistad. Los Angeles: Dreamworks.

[ 315 ] Raphael, Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House.

[ 316 ] Bristow, E. J. (1983). Prostitution and Prejudice. New York: Shocken books.

[ 317 ] Bristow, E. (1986). Studies in Contemporary Jewry, II. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, p.310.

[ 318 ] Specter, M (1998). Slave traders Lure Slavic Women. Times-Picayune. New York Times News Service. January 11.

[ 319 ] Specter, M (1998).[or] Ibid

[ 320 ] Specter, M (1998).[or] Ibid

[ 321 ] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. Moment. April, p.45-78.

[ 322 ] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.47.

[ 323 ] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.48.

[ 324 ] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.49.

[ 325 ] Josephus, P. (1989). The Works of Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews. Complete and unabridged, trans., W. Whiston. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers. (12:224).

[ 326 ] Josephus, F. (1989). The Works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. (12:224)

[ 327 ] Alon, G. (1989). The Jews on Their Land in the Talmudic Age (70-640 С. E.). Trans. G. Levi from Hebrew. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (Originally published in 1980,1984 by the Magnes Press, Hebrew University. Jerusalem) p. 16.

[ 328 ] Avi-Yonah, M. (1976). The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political History of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab Conquest. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, reprinted 1984. p.261.

[ 329 ] Parkes, J. (1934). The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study of the Origins of Antisemitism. London: The Soncino Press, p.263, 257-258.

[ 330 ] Grant, M. (1973). The Jews in the Roman World. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p.288.

[ 331 ] Ibid. p.289.

[ 332 ] Jones, A. H. M. (1964). The Later Roman Empire 284-602: A Social Economic and Administrative Survey, 2 vols. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, p.950.

[ 333 ] Shaw, S. J. (1991). The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. New York: New York University Press, p. 25.

[ 334 ] Ibid. p.26.

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